Friday, February 27, 2009

"Goodbye, Colorado" - Rocky Mountain News

After nearly 150 years in business, the Rocky Mountain News published its final edition Friday, the victim of a bad economy and the Internet generation.
Rocky Mountain News Editor John Temple consoles staff photographer Judy DeHaas on Thursday in the newsroom.

Rocky Mountain News Editor John Temple consoles staff photographer Judy DeHaas on Thursday in the newsroom.

The final front-page headline simply says: "Goodbye, Colorado."

"It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to you today. Our time chronicling the life of Denver and Colorado, the nation and the world, is over."

It's unfortunate, but somewhat inevitable that this happened. I've been reading them (online) for a number of years and always liked their stuff. They offered integrity driven accounts by their credible journalists. I wish all of them who worked there the best, and hope that the Denver Post can pick up the slack.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Holder, America, and Cowards

Disclaimer: What I'm going to say/agree with is arguably provocative; deal with it. If you don't like it, then don't bother reading it. Thanks.


Let's face it America, for the most part, we are a nation of cowards.

How many people can you say would stick to their guns/stand up for what they believe in, even when the norm dictates otherwise? How many people parrot other individual's beliefs - failing to actually formulate their own?

A great deal of people do just that; Look at political correctness - while its intentions are noble I'm sure, what does it serve?

Now don't get me wrong. I'm all for being polite and having manners and all that stuff; However, with freedom of speech comes the obligation (and one could argue requirement ) to deal with others - albeit ignorant and inflammatory - statements.

It's the like the frosting on a cake for some people - you want the cake, but don't like the frosting - still, it comes with the cake.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Refreshing Candor

Disclaimer: My remarks may seem biased, but I assure you that I have attempted to be the furthest from it that I can be.


I have to say that despite my disgust over Mr. Obama not catching Daschle's and other Cabinet nominees' mistakes in his vetting - to hear an authority figure, not just the President almost sends a shiver down my spine. We had a prior administration that rarely if ever apologized for their mistakes, and went down the same tried path.

So, thank you Mr. President - your candor is refreshing, as is your taking responsibility. I hope you truly mean it.
