Thursday, May 31, 2007

Mr. President

House Resolution 2207, it’s purpose was: “[to make) …supplemental appropriations for agricultural and other emergency assistance for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes.” Source

Essentially, it would provide financial assistance to agricultural and other areas that need emergency assistance (financially), including education/libraries.

Fifteen (rural) Oregon counties have relied on federal funding to compensate them for the last six years because of the lack of income in taxes (think: rural); Firefighting, j$ails, schools, libraries will all be, or have already, closed unless something changes soon.

These counties are rural, with vast amounts of forest and lack enough money from property taxes to pay for local services. They used to get their funding from the sales of timber on federal lands, then that nearly stopped because of environmental concern, not human concern.

The president, when he vetoed it, stated: “…the funding is not offset and does not meet any reasonable definition of emergency.”

It doesn’t meet any definition of emergency?

Pardon my language, but WTF!?

Let me state this again: Schools, Jails, Libraries, etc…Closing. Not an emergency?

I admit, there is blame to be placed on the counties for possible/probable fiscal mismanagement, but, that does not mean that the government should leave these counties high and dry.

Mr. President, you are an idiot.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Rates going postal

Want to send a letter?

It had better not be too bulky, or else you could get charged more.


The postal rate increase that kicks in Monday is shaping up to be a big headache for many businesses.

Many companies say they are confused and frustrated as they try to adjust to the new rules, and some say mailings could be severely curtailed due to higher postage costs.

The new regulations mean larger envelopes and packages will automatically cost more than smaller mail. Currently, postage is determined by weight, unless it's an especially large or odd-shaped package that warrants special handling.

Will we see price hikes in the future?

Perhaps, but while I was discussing this with a friend, he offered a few possible alternatives to what he called 'terminal overpricing.'

--> A network of volunteer men and women who transport the letters, and/or packages via bicycles or other means. (Example: Pony Express)

--> Utilize FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc... for your needs.

--> Instead of writing letters, write emails.

Also, here is an interesting table showing US postal rates and increases.

This, along with gas prices going up just might make more than a few folks go postal.

Peace, ~Elindelwolf

Friday, May 11, 2007

Rant: Our Congress Sucks

Dear Readers,

I'm sitting here, in Indianapolis, visiting a fellow blogger (neverendingcalamity), and listening to CSPAN and our dear ol' U.S Senate.

You know what i see?

I see six (6) individuals inside the senate, no more.

Why is it that we hear all sorts of (so called) good news about our elected leaders on the news, but yet they fall short.

Is it money? The power? The benefits?

Who knows...

I really believe that the (nearly) empty senate epitomizes our elected leaders: Full of promise when they're campaigning, but all fluff and little or no work when it comes down to the problems our nation has. Frankly, the almost zombie like attention on Iraq disgusts me.

What about:

Social security, Education, Lack of funding to cities/counties, Money for libraries being short (can we say: possible birth of an ignorant society?), national debt, human rights (Sudan, China, etc...), Health Care, Katrina/New Orleans, unemployment, the continuing erosion of the middle class?

Ring a bell?

Guess not.

How about mismanagement? Incompetance? Cronism? Libraries closing?

Like horses with blinders on, our politicians have one thing in sight it seems, reelection.

"If we cannot trust our elected leaders to take care of our interests, and preserve our nation, then we must do it." ~Unknown
