Rant: Our Congress Sucks
Dear Readers,
I'm sitting here, in Indianapolis, visiting a fellow blogger (neverendingcalamity), and listening to CSPAN and our dear ol' U.S Senate.
You know what i see?
I see six (6) individuals inside the senate, no more.
Why is it that we hear all sorts of (so called) good news about our elected leaders on the news, but yet they fall short.
Is it money? The power? The benefits?
Who knows...
I really believe that the (nearly) empty senate epitomizes our elected leaders: Full of promise when they're campaigning, but all fluff and little or no work when it comes down to the problems our nation has. Frankly, the almost zombie like attention on Iraq disgusts me.
What about:
Social security, Education, Lack of funding to cities/counties, Money for libraries being short (can we say: possible birth of an ignorant society?), national debt, human rights (Sudan, China, etc...), Health Care, Katrina/New Orleans, unemployment, the continuing erosion of the middle class?
Ring a bell?
Guess not.
How about mismanagement? Incompetance? Cronism? Libraries closing?
Like horses with blinders on, our politicians have one thing in sight it seems, reelection.
"If we cannot trust our elected leaders to take care of our interests, and preserve our nation, then we must do it." ~Unknown
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