Monday, June 11, 2007

I am me.

Inspired by a fellow blogger and their article, I decided to write one of my own, and propmtly began writing the following, enjoy.


I am me, what party I am matters little because I feel that all parties in-the-end are corrupt and power hungry, pointless; the only reason I am registered with a party is so that I can vote.

I am of no religion, but I do believe in a supreme being.

I don’t believe that we should be the world police as I believe that we should we should take care of ourselves (U.S.) first. The world police gig has only hurt us globally, more so than it has helped.

I believe that true tolerance is a rarity, and what is often called tolerance is merely convenient ignorance. When faced with a chance to show tolerance, most fail.

I believe in:

“Those who would give up liberty for security deserve neither.” ~Ben Franklin

I believe that the people know best. The government is just an extension, albeit a corrupted and seemingly chaotic one. It should be a government by the people, for the people, not lobbyists or special interest. It’s time we take our government back.

I believe the government owes its people a safety net, welfare, to help them in times of crises. I believe it should be used as an aid, and benchmarks established to get the individual(s) back on their feet so as they do not require the aid.

I believe in hard work and that opportunity should be grasped, but not at the expense of others or nature. I advocate moral corporate practices that emphasize growth, but not greed and corruption.

I support our troops, and am proud of those in my family who have served; I pray that ALL troops come home safely. I believe in treating them better, and giving them what they need to assimilate back into non-combat/civilian life. We owe it to them.

I believe that peace is the answer; I choose peace over war, and I do not agree with the war in Iraq; we have only made things worse for the most part. However, I do admit that there have been good things, and that there has been success, but the level of success is not equal or surpassing (in my opinion) the level of disarray.

I believe that terror, in any form, by any entity (government sanctioned/carried out, independent group, or such.), is wrong. However, realistically, the war on terror will never end. Terrorism is like the Hydra of mythology, when you cut off one head, another head replaces it; as long as there are multiple ideologies, and as long as hate is an existing/sufferable emotion, terror will exist.

I believe that we should grant amnesty for all illegal immigrants in the US. It is unrealistic to deport all of them. We should close our borders until such time as we are able to successfully handle its security, etc… Our immigration laws should be tough. My ancestors came to the US legally, so can they, and so should they.

I believe in a right for a woman (and man) to choose; I’m pro-choice, not pro-abortion. I believe that the father should have say as well, unless it is in the case of rape, incest, or if the mothers health is in jeopardy; above all, I advocate alternatives such as adoption, condoms, abstinence, etc…

I believe that schools should be given a minimum amount of funding; just enough to run smoothly. An increase in funding should only be given if the schools meet satisfactory goals. Student achievement should be factored into whether they get funding or not.

I believe that law abiding citizens have the right to own a weapon/gun. However, as the law goes, if they commit a serious crime, they forfeit the right. I believe that better education and training is the key.

I believe in the funding of research into artificial stem cells, but not funding of the research with normal stem cells.

I believe in the equality for every individual including gays, lesbians, and transgender people. Marriage is a right,

I believe in being eco-friendly, and eco-smart; growth, progress, and advancement with keeping in mind our influence on the environment/the future; being mindful of the consequences of our actions.

I believe we owe it to our older generations to help them with retirement, especially those who have little or no retirement. Lest they end up like my mother who had saved up, but then lost everything to corruption.

I believe that the death penalty is wrong, and that it should be abolished. The notion of taking a life for having taken a life is wrong; we lower ourselves to the criminals standard, barbaric individuals. I believe in:

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”

I believe that torture is a form of terrorism, and is wrong. I do not believe that the US government has condoned it, but I do believe that they should make it a hell of a lot harder for certain individuals to torture.

I believe in health care for all, or at least a better system than what we have available.

I believe that politics has lost its way; that our forefathers roll in their graves as I write this. I believe in questioning our government, in being critical of it, even if that means being against the masses. I believe in the question:

How/What will those in the future, our descendants, think of us? Great leaders, thinkers, motivators? The hurtling train of progress for our nation, for humanity?

I believe that the majority of us will be viewed as lumps; repetitive, politically-naïve, and who elect leaders who show themselves as one-trick ponies; and expect a difference.

We let ourselves be blinded by ideologies, hatred, and a myriad of other things; we are nothing more than pawns in a game. As a line in the movie Man of the Year states: “Madam…its been a mockery long before I got here.”

I believe in a government by the people, and for the people - not lobbyists or special interest groups.

I believe in competence over cronyism.

I believe in a direct-vote democracy.

I believe in what I believe in, and though I may not agree with our current president, I respect him, and even admire some of his qualities.

I love America,
I love my state,
I love my town,
I love my family and friends,
I would hate to see our country go to hell.

Act up, think; do something constructive, and save ourselves from ourselves.

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